Ed Byrne and Dara O Briain, two of the funniest comedians to come from Irish shores went on a bit of a roadtrip, well a pretty big one actually… They embarked on a 4,000-mile pan-American adventure retracing a journey that Sullivan Richardson, Arnold Whitaker and Kenneth Van Hee did in the 1940s. The three musketeers aimed to travel from North to South America in a car before a road linked the two continents, and so Ed and Dara are following in their footsteps.
The lads begin in Arizona, then head toward Mexico where they meet some hilarious wrestlers, popping into a seriously slick coffee farm, and the ruins of Monte Alban on the way. Not only is they’re undertaking pretty frickin’ impressive, it’s safe to say they’ll have a bit of the laugh along the way so be sure to tune into RTÉ One at 10.15pm.

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