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Food & Drink

24th Jan 2022

‘We’ve unfortunately had to hit the pause button’ – Hawker is on the hunt for a new home

Fiona Frawley

Over the past couple of years restaurants, bars and cafes across the country have made significant changes to their businesses to adapt to ongoing restrictions.

A focus on at home meal boxes here, a lovingly constructed takeaway hatch there, you know the story. Now with the sudden and complete return to life sans restrictions, businesses are adapting to changes in the reverse.

Case in point, Hang Dai’s street food sister Hawker, who are now on the hunt for a new kitchen following the lifting of restrictions.

In a post on Instagram over the weekend, Hawker wrote:

Since restrictions have been lifted, we’ve unfortunately had to hit the pause button on our Hawker takeout service as it’s just not feasible to run two menus out of one kitchen.

Hang Dai is consistently one of the busiest spots for dinner in the city, so it’s understandable that with a return to full capacity service, some changes need to be made.

Opening in June of last year, Hang Dai’s sister restaurant Hawker was an instant hit with Dublin foodies, specialising in street food, delish takeaway cocktails and a walk up policy. I’m sure there are a group of loyal devotees who’d follow their cheeseburger spring rolls to the end of the earth – where else would you be getting them, in all fairness?

We look forward to visiting the new incarnation of Hawker as soon as they’re up and running.

Header image via Instagram/Hawker_Dublin 

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