You only have two more weeks to stop into Chapters before they close their doors for good.
We all knew it was coming, but it doesn’t make this update any easier. At the end of October 2021, Chapters took to Instagram to announce that after almost 40 years of business they would be closing at the beginning of 2022. Now the time has come, and the iconic bookstore has taken to social media once more to update us on what date exactly they’re closing the business.
Chapters will officially shut its doors for good on the 31st January, leaving just over two weeks for loyal customers to pay a visit.
Their statement reads as follows:
“Following the announcement of our closure after almost 40 wonderful years in business, we would like to announce that we will be closing our doors on January 31st. Your support over the last 39 years and especially over the past number of months has been greatly appreciated. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible over the next two weeks.”
We are gutted that this landmark of Dublin City will no longer be with us soon. Chapters is Ireland’s largest independent bookstore, and Parnell Street will never look the same without it. The bookstore was a haven for second-hand books, games, puzzles, and much more. They currently have a huge clearance sale ahead of their closing date.
We wish all the staff a good final fortnight in Chapters.
Header image via Instagram/chaptersbookstore
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