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14th Dec 2022

David Letterman catches up with Panti Bliss during Dublin trip

Katy Thornton

The US talkshow host was also spotted picking up some oysters and cheese in Glasthule.


David Letterman is currently on a visit to Dublin, stopping into Panti Bliss’ dressing room on Tuesday evening. Panti shared an image of the two on Twitter, saying,

“I don’t usually let any Tom, Dick, or Harry into my dressing room, but occasionally I’ll make an exception for a Dave.”

In the comments people were intrigued by the meet-up, with one person asking, “Who’s interviewing who? When can we see/hear it?” To which Panti responded, “He was interviewing me for a documentary, not sure when it’ll be out.

Stopping by for a chat with Panti wasn’t the only thing Letterman got up to during his visit. According to the Independent, David Letterman was also spotted in Glasthule fish shop Cavistons during his Dublin trip. The fish shop has been there for 75 years, and during his visit, Letterman met with current owner Peter Caviston. According to Peter’s son Mark Caviston, the US talk show host purchased some cheese and oysters. When speaking to the Independent about the experience, Mark said,

““It was nice to see him, we grew up for years watching his show, you never think that these chaps will be out in Glasthule. I think he was touring the area, so he just popped in.”

So a meeting with Panti Bliss, some cheese, and some oysters? Sounds like a class day in Dublin to us. We wonder where else he’s planning to visit.

Header image via Twitter/PantiBliss

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