The barriers are there for a reason, lads.
In what appears to be a busy day for motorists driving through rail barriers, Irish Rail has shared videos of two such incidents today.
The first one was shared this morning and took place Dublin’s Serpentine Avenue. It shows a barrier coming down which the driver clearly saw as an invitation to drive right through, before breaking it off altogether.
Services are currently suspended between Sandymount & Lansdowne due to a vehicle damaging the barriers at Serpentine Ave. Dublin Bus are honouring rail tickets
— Iarnród Éireann (@IrishRail) November 29, 2019
The incident led to a temporary closure of services between Sandymount and Lansdowne, with Dublin Bus honouring rail tickets.
Meanwhile, in Co. Kerry, services were forced to run 30 minutes late after a motorist drove through a barrier at Minish level crossing. If you look closely, you’ll see the car break the first set of barriers before continuing to drive as the second set of barriers was coming down…
We are having a day of it… services to & from Kerry up to 30mins late due to this motorist damaging the barrier at a level crossing at Minish. Road users obey warning signals at Level crossings. They are there for your safety & the safety of train passengers
— Iarnród Éireann (@IrishRail) November 29, 2019
The fact that both incidents were caught on camera should make it fairly easy to find the culprits, who will likely end up with hefty fines. A bit of patience goes a long way.