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21st Aug 2017

PIC: This Shot Of A Garda And A Ironman Attendee Is Peak Dublin


Comic Con took over the capital last weekend, leaving locals bemused to see fellow Dubliners dressed up as Wonder Woman and Batman on our streets. 

This weekend’s main event was Dublin’s Ironman race – asking participants to partake in a one lap sea swim, cycle a 56 mile single loop and run a 3 loop run course in Phoenix Park, ending up in Chesterfield Avenue. 

The competition brought some of Ireland’s greatest athletes to the forefront – with some dressed in what they deemed appropriate gear to complete the gruelling fitness test. 

One such furrily-clad spectator was this guy, pictured with a member of the Gardaí in Dublin 7. 

Uploaded to the Garda Twitter page – this picture has been going somewhat viral, for its utter brilliance. 

A bewildered Garda, inner city street signs and a well-dressed Game Of Thrones character – have you ever seen anything more Dublin?

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