Another day, another depressing room for rent in the city – and this one comes with some very weird terms and conditions.
As if it’s not hard enough getting by as a student in Dublin, this particular room really takes the cake.
As reported by Morning Ireland’s Aisling Kenny, one landlady has put out an ad for a room with two double beds that are basically on top of each other.
Accommodation being offered to students in Dublin. Two double beds side by side taking up most of the room space.The landlady told me she would be staying in the other bed. This is being offered to students at a cost of €390 a month! @morningireland
— Aisling Kenny (@KennyAKE) October 26, 2018
And even worse, the landlady herself plans to sleep in one of them. It’s one thing sharing a house with your landlady, but a room?
It’s not that cheap, either – she’s charging students €390 for this bizarre set-up…
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