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09th Jan 2020

LloydsPharmacy is offering people a free eight-week health transformation programme

Brian Dillon

LloydsPharmacy is offering quite a unique health programme this year.

Yep, it’s the new year. And a lot of us take that as an opportunity to make certain changes to better our health, mindfulness, and overall wellbeing.

But it can be difficult to know where to start. So that’s why this free personalised eight-week health transformation programme might be of interest to you.

LloydsPharmacy is offering just that, giving people the opportunity to set personal health-related goals and reach them within the eight weeks with ‘Change Your Health Direction‘.

Although we are being bombarded with messages about what your health goals should be around this time of year, this tailored programme will simply help you make the changes and reach the goals that you want to, whether that’s skincare, digestive health, heart health, weight loss, lowering blood pressure, quitting smoking, improving your immunity, increasing energy levels, getting better sleep or eating a more balanced diet.

change your health direction with LloydsPharmacy

All you have to do to get started is pop into any one of their 90 stores in Ireland.

There, you’ll meet one-to-one with one of their highly-trained coaches who will measure your blood pressure, BMI and if required ‘Weigh Your Age’ using a Tanita Scale. You will then chat through your goals with your coach who will then provide you with your very own personalised health and wellbeing plan. Plus, when you sign up, you’ll be given a free support diary to keep track of your journey… pssst, you can also download it here.

Also (I’m not done quite yet), you’ll have access to a range of delicious easy to make healthy recipes by Nutritional Therapist Elsa Jone’s.

This kicked off on Monday, January 6 and will run until the end of February, you can sign up for the eight-week programme at any stage.

If you want to improve your health, wellbeing and overall lifestyle, then I think this is a pretty good start.

Statistically, you are more likely to achieve your goals with help. And with a holistic approach like this, your goals are set by you, because health is so much more than hitting the gym to get lean.
