It only seems like yesterday that Rachel got off the plane but it is in fact 15 years since TV phenomenon Friends drew to a close after airing for 10 seasons.
To put that into context, any Irish person who was born after the final episode aired is probably doing their Junior Cert this year or has it done already. Basically, you’re old.
As the years have passed though, the love for Friends has not waned and old episodes are still consumed by fans all over the world on a regular basis. The great news for Dublin Friends fiends is that there’s a special Friends-themed brunch coming to Dublin in March.
Taking place at a secret central location, the event will feature food (obvs) as well as an option to upgrade to one hour of bottomless drinks. As well as that, there will be Friends-themed charades, a projector showing Friends episodes and a costume competition. Best start organising your Holiday Armadillo outfit now.
It all takes place on Saturday, March 21 with 90-minutes sessions kicking off at 11.30am, 3pm and 6.30pm. Tickets for adults cost €25 and it’s €20 for children up to 11-years-old. More information can be found here.