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18th Oct 2022

Joe’s Coffee announce ‘with heavy hearts’ that they’ve closed in Arnotts

Katy Thornton

A trip to Arnott’s will never be the same.


As someone who frequented the Joe’s Coffee in Dundrum while it was there, I can say this is not welcome news. Joe’s Coffee took to Twitter to announce that they were closing their Arnotts’ café, saying:

It is with heavy hearts that we must announce that Joe’s has closed in @ArnottsDublin on Abbey Street. It has been a wonderful time serving so many of you with our specialty coffee from The Barn – as well as from special guest roasters around the world.

Joe’s Coffee took the time to thank all of their suppliers, employees, and customers over the years. When I worked in retail in Dundrum, Joe’s was one of the few places I could go for a decent cup of coffee, as well as some great, fresh food, so I’m sure their loss will be felt by customers and staff alike at Arnott’s.

Co-founders Domini and Peaches Kemp finished their announcement thread with a little bit of hope, saying,

“And we’d especially like to thank you, our fabulous customers! You have been a joy to serve and we have loved chatting to you about all things coffee. The Joe’s journey has been an amazing one – and we hope it is not quite over yet!”

So who knows, while this may be the end of their journey at Arnotts, maybe Joe’s Coffee will make a comeback in the future. We can only hope.

Header images via Twitter/joesdublin

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