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19th Apr 2021

DCC seeks public input on pedestrianisation of Merrion Row

James Fenton

Dublin City Council has opened a consultation process on the proposed pedestrianisation of Merrion Row.

Last week, it emerged that Merrion Row was just one area of Dublin that will be pedestrianised this summer in order to facilitate outdoor dining. The scheme will be aimed at helping restaurateurs back on their feet, once restrictions ease enough to allow for outdoor dining, and to draw Dubliners back into the city centre.

DCC has now asked for the public’s input, saying ‘Dublin City Council (DCC) has received a proposal from businesses on Merrion Row, Dublin 2 to pedestrianise Merrion Row, removing all vehicles after a certain time and converting the road space to primarily facilitating outdoor dining, in order to enable hospitality businesses on the street to reopen with outdoor dining whenever the Government public health restrictions allow.’

An overview of potential changes to Merrion Row is as follows:

  • One lane for traffic from Kildare St centered on the existing carriageway
  • Bus stop to remain
  • Temporary buildouts on both sides of Merrion Row (similar to South Anne St. and Drury St.) will be installed with planters. Existing bollards, unnecessary street clutter and signage will be removed.
  • Loading to take place from Ely Place
  • Existing footpaths to remain with a minimum 2 metre clear area for pedestrian access.

While surrounding streets could be altered in the following ways:

Hume Street

  • Two lanes of traffic to travel west to east (currently east to west)
  • Disabled spaces to be retained
  • Parking to be retained. Perpendicular parking may be changed to parallel parking
  • Bike parking to be retained
  • No changes to existing footpaths

Ely Place

  • Two lanes of traffic to travel south to north (currently north to south) between Hume Street and Merrion Row
  • Two way traffic maintained on Ely Place between Hume Street and RHA Gallery (Royal Hibernian Academy)
  • Disabled spaces to be retained
  • Parking to be retained
  • No changes to existing footpaths

Public consultation is open now and will remain open until April 30. You can add your input via this link.

More information can be found here.

(header pic: Hugo’s Restaurant)

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