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22nd Dec 2020

Dublin Airport issues statement on Santa after travel ban extension

James Fenton

Dublin Airport has moved to ease fears around Santa’s arrival after a ban on travel to and from Britain was extended to December 31.

The travel ban, which was originally announced on Sunday and scheduled to last for 48 hours, has now been extended until New Year’s Eve as part of new Covid-19 measures announced earlier today. This has led to concerns that Santa may not be allowed to enter our airspace if he visits children across the Irish Sea beforehand.

However, Dublin Airport has issued a statement this afternoon to confirm that Santa’s travels will be unaffected on Christmas Eve. Taking to Twitter, they wrote ‘We’ve just been asked will the extension of the travel ban affect Santa/Santy/Daidí na Nollag? The big man will be fine. Even if he delivers to Britain before us, it’s a cargo flight & he’s an essential worker.’

Some good news at last. Of course, all the other rules still apply such as going to bed early on Christmas Eve and leaving something nice out for Santa and his reindeer.

Merry Christmas, one and all.

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