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25th Jun 2020

PICS: Grogans bring a little bit of joy to the city on a warm summer’s day

James Fenton

When Bagatelle recorded Summer in Dublin, there was no mention of queues outside Penneys or 105-minute slots in pubs.

The summer of 2020 is one we’ll never forget as we ease out of lockdown restrictions and, hopefully, a way of managing Covid-19 in the near future. Like the rest of the world, Dubliners have had to cope with the fear and anxiety of job losses and everything else that came with the pandemic and that’s before we mention that loneliness and heartache that comes with distancing from loved ones.

While Dublin’s summer of 2020 is unlikely to be remembered fondly, it’s important to acknowledge the little gestures that bring a smile to the city’s residents. Take what Grogans did today for example.

Earlier this week, the South William Street favourite announced that they were planning to hand out their famous toasties free of charge from 1pm on Thursday afternoon and, lo and behold, the ham and cheese sambos weren’t the only things that came out onto the streets of Dublin.

As staff set up shop with their makeshift stall, the sun came emerged from behind the clouds as people queued to sink their teeth into a Grogans toastie for the first time since March. 2020 is a Summer in Dublin that doesn’t promise much but this simple act is sure to be remembered by those who were present for years to come.

If you didn’t make it in, you can get a sense of the atmosphere in the pictures below, courtesy of Grogans…

It’s the small things you have to appreciate, particularly with a thunderstorm apparently on the way tonight. Fair play to all at Grogans for bringing a bit of joy to the city for the afternoon.
