A Catholic Church diocese in Scotland has recently unveiled what it believes to be the first Mass and confession finder app.
Yes, let’s just let that sink in. A confessional. Finder. App.
Using similar technology to everyone’s favourite dating hook-up app, Tinder, it guides the sinner from their current location to the nearest church, offering confession or celebrating mass.
Ideal for a prayer-on-the-go.
The catch? It’s only available in the vicinity of of St Andrews and Edinburgh, Scotland.
The Edinburgh-based firm hopes other Catholic dioceses around the world will purchase the app, with five others in Scotland already said to be interested.

The app has been developed by the archdiocese and the technology company Musemantik, the new service, available on iPhone and tablet devices, is officially named ‘The Catholic App’ but has picked itself us the on-topic name of ‘Sindr’.
Just brilliant.
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