It’s safe to say that we’re all producing sweat by the bucketload right now, so getting a bit more water into out system is definitely the way to go.
Hydration is so important for so many things — energy, metabolism, health and skin quality to name a few.
But how come many of us feel that we don’t drink enough water? Many doctors recommend we drink roughly two litres of water every day but if we’re honest, we often fall short of that.
When you live a busy life, it can be difficult to squeeze two litres in, so try following some of these easy tips to get your daily quota.
Flavour your water
Trying to chug glass after glass of water can seem a bit daunting, so try flavouring your water by adding some natural ingredients.
Throw some fresh fruit or veg into your water to spice it up. Grapefruit, strawberries, lemon, cucumber, ginger, basil and mint are great additions to your water — and you can play around with the combinations.
Drink at regular intervals
Make a habit of drinking water at the same time as doing some common activities. The easiest to remember is probably to drink after every time you go for a bathroom break. Stop by the kitchen and drink a big glass of water each time.
Drink just before a meal
Try drinking a full cup of water before each meal, which can help you to feel more full and help you with your portion control.
Keep water near by
It’s easier to remember to drink water when it is close at hand, so gently remind yourself to drink more by keeping a bottle on your desk, kitchen counter or bedside table.
Use a marked water bottle
Fill a large bottle with water and mark your hourly drinking goals on it, as this will keep you on track. We all love a challenge!
Eat water rich foods
It’s easy to forget that we can get our water from our food too, so try foods that are full of it! We suggest cucumber (69% water), watermelon (92% water) and grapefruit (91% water).
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