If you’re starting or heading back to college this month, finances are likely to be tight as you knuckle down to a new year of hardcore study.
As most people are aware, a fiver doesn’t usually go very far in Dublin but thanks to LEON, students will be able to stretch their cash a bit further throughout September.
The Temple Bar eatery is offering students any main dish, any side, and a drink all for just €5 meaning you won’t be having any lunchtime pangs of guilt this month. Moroccan meatballs, the spicy Korean chicken burger or gluten-free chicken nuggets all for a fiver along with a side and something to wash it all down? Can’t go wrong.
As well as that, students can avail of a 15% discount at LEON all year round because, as the restaurant so wonderfully puts it, they’ll all be ‘too shook to cook’. Indeed.
Check out LEON’s menu in full here.
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