As Dublin rental prices continue to climb upwards, (much to the dismay of, well, everyone) the size of the accommodation seems to be getting smaller and smaller.
At the start of May, average rental prices in Dublin increased to €1,875 per month, making them €430 a month more expensive than at the last peak of the Celtic Tiger.
Commenting on the latest figures, economist Ronan Lyons said: “It is clear that, for those who have to look for a new home in the open market, rental inflation remains well above any reasonable measure of health.”
Unfortunately, the lack of supply leaves many people with little or no options.
So, what can you get for 1200 hard-earned euros?
*Spoiler alert*: It ain’t much.
This Rathmines studio was posted recently on Reddit as an example of Dublin’s rental market.
Commenting on the listing, one Reddit user said: “The price reflects the incredible convenience of having a bed in your kitchen where you can rest if the cooking gets too strenuous, or is it a kitchen in your bedroom where you can grab a bite to eat if your love-making sessions drag on too long? Either way it’s a win/win situation.”
Another said: “The grease from your Sunday morning fry would splash your pillow the place is that small.”
According to the advert, the property has emerged from “an extensive refurbishment project”, while the interiors are described “bright and spacious.”
The landlord must have a very loose definition of the word spacious.
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