Conor McGregor has his motoring offence struck out of court on Monday but that wasn’t the main talking point.
The MMA Champion, had been accused of uninsured driving and driving without a licence.
He has now been before a judge on road traffic offences two times in less than a month.
As McGregor always does, he was lapping up the attention and while the photographers and journalists gathered, he stood side-by-side with RTÉ’s crime correspondent Paul Reynolds who told the man from Crumlin that they “had to stop meeting like this.”
In a hearing that lasted less than 10 seconds, McGregor said “thanks” before exiting quickly.
And even though the seriousness of the matter was nothing to laugh about, McGregor was still cool and calm enough to take a photo with a fellow Irish person who was up for speeding offences too.

The post just shows that McGregor couldn’t give a flying fiddle that he was in court yesterday.
If it was one of us in court, we’d be so nervous that we wouldn’t be able to even take our phone out but not the UFC fighter.
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