Slum landlords in Dublin are hiding evidence of tenants in order to pass inspections by the council, with an investigation by The Irish Independent finding that eight landlords in Dublin manage more than 40 houses.
Properties were in Ranelagh, Blackrock, Rathmines, Dundrum, Shankill, Rialto, Clontarf and Tallaght, and houses had on average 20-30 people living there.
It was revealed that landlords were hiding wardrobes and mattresses in warehouses before an inspection in order to trick inspectors with how many people were actually living in the homes.
Some bedrooms had as many as eight people living there, and The Independent also found that each house had a “queen” who would collect rent in cash from tenants and give to the landlord.
If the “queen” found someone new to take over a vacant bed, he/she would receive a discount on rent.
Video: Amy Molloy
One house in Clontarf brought in €10,000 in rent each month, despite one of the bedrooms not even having a window.
Independent Councillor Mannix Flynn has said that this slum landlord scheme is “inhumane” and is “organised crime and it’s reckless endangerment to people’s lives.”
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