Science, you’ve done it again.
With the world becoming an increasingly impatient place, the whole building a relationship over a long period of time thing just seems like a load of shite. We want to intimately know other people right now, dammit.
With that in mind, this psychological study entitled ‘The Experimental Generation Of Interpersonal Closeness: A Procedure And Some Preliminary Findings‘ was compiled and revealed how to quickly generate closeness. The questions were then posted on Imgur by Igatsusestus.
The questions are divided into three sets: the first set eases you into the conversation and they’re not too personal, the second set is about dreams and relationships with the potential to escalate in an emotional discussion, and the third set gets really personal and offers a real insight in your question partner’s personality.
Check out the questions below.
Intense stuff.
So for that next Tinder date, simply whip out this handy questionnaire and in less than 10 minutes you’ll know whether or not you should sneak out in the back door.
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