Two divers were rescued by Dún Laoghaire Coast Guard off Dalkey Island yesterday afternoon following a failure to surface which was noticed by the safety team.
The Dublin Marine Rescue Coordination Centre managed to get hold of a helicopter from Dublin Airport, an RNLI Dún Laoghaire boat and rally up Dún Laoghaire Coast Guard’s four search units.
Both divers were spotted just off Whiterock almost immediately – they’d be taken out by the tide and the wind.
The Coast Guard took to Facebook to commend those involved in the act of saving the stranded divers.
The post says:
”Two Divers this afternoon off Dalkey Island got into difficulty while diving and when they failed to surface the Dive Boat Cox’s SAR training kicked in.
Alerting the Irish Coast Guard by marine VHF and committing to a search pattern procedure.
Dublin MRCC tasked Rescue 116 from Dublin Airport, RNLI Dun Laoghaire All WeatherLife Boat and Dun Laoghaire Coast Guard’s 4 Search Units.
Dun Laoghaire RNLI All Weather Life Boat and Rescue 116 backed up the active dive boat searching and the Dun Laoghaire Coast Guard teams searched from Cullimore Harbour to Killiney Beach within 10 miles. Within minutes Dún Laoghaire Coast Guard members looking off Whiterock spotted 2 divers been pushed into the coast with the tide & wind. All vessels were alerted and the dive boat recovered the casualties who were in good spirits.
Well done to all involved including the dive coxs, as weather conditions were worsening just as search operation was been shutdown.”
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