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11th Dec 2019

Dublin Vinyl has launched a new online record store

Sarah Finnan

The Record Hub is Dublin Vinyl’s latest venture.

One of my favourite memories of my granddad is sitting in the good room (every Irish country house has one) with him and listening to his record of choice that day. Usually something trad and very typically Irish.

Anyone with a record player will tell you, things are just better on vinyl. The whole process seems far more authentic. More old school.

Plus having a giant version of your favourite album is pretty cool. Frame the cover and you’ve got yourself a new wall hanging.

Knowing our love for vinyl, Dublin Vinyl has launched The Record Hub. An online record store, it’s been designed with music lovers in mind…hoping to help them discover (or rediscover) the joy of vinyl.

As Ireland’s only record pressing plant, Dublin Vinyl are experts at their craft. And their new venture comes at just the right time, with records set to outsell CDs for the first time since 1986. In fact, global sales of vinyl are the highest they’ve been in 30 years.

Promising to be ‘everyone’s local record shop’, the hub will cover all bases, selling catalogue classics to forgotten gems, new releases, exclusives and accessories. Your one-stop-shop for vinyl, they’ll also be on hand to offer advice and guidance on everything from album reviews to how to set up a turntable and pick the best speakers.

That should help you out with a few Christmas gift ideas at least.


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