There’s a To Let sign outside the eminent eatery, which has been closed since Covid-19 restrictions in 2020.
A Michelin-starred restaurant once described as a “Dublin institution of Joycean proportions” appears to be permanently closed.
The lights have been out at The Greenhouse on Dawson Street since the pandemic, just after the restaurant received its second Michelin star. To date, The Greenhouse is one of just five Irish restaurants to have ever achieved this.
In May 2021, The Greenhouse’s head chef Mickael Viljanen resigned, after working at the restaurant for 12 years. Viljanen is the Chef Patron of Chapter One by Mickael Viljanen. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Chapter One is one of the other few Irish eateries with two Michelin stars.
At the time of the chef’s departure, owner Eamonn O’Reilly, who also owns One Pico on Molesworth Place said he would “take some time to decide how The Greenhouse moves forward”.
In response to today's Irish Times article.
— theGREENHOUSE (@_the_GREENHOUSE) May 19, 2021
Prior to this, The Greenhouse appeared to be gearing up to reopen pending an ease of restrictions.
Over two years later with restrictions well and truly lifted, there’s sadly no sign of the restaurant returning to its former glory. The dining room lays empty, the website domain is up for sale and its phone line is out of service.
Have you heard any updates about The Greenhouse? Would you like to see it reopened? Let us know.
Header image via the Lovin Team / The Greenhouse on Twitter
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