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Food News

03rd Feb 2020

You can get a free lunch this week if your name is Helena

James Fenton

It’s Monday and that means it’s time for the Back Page to reveal the pair of names that can avail of their weekly lunch offer over the coming days.

Recently, we’ve had Grainnes and Geralds, Darraghs and Denises and Evas and Erics and this week it’s the turn of *drumroll* Helena and… Harper?

At the risk of being all “oh, come on, Bort?,” we’d wager that Dublin isn’t exactly crawling with Harpers but if you know any be sure to point them in our direction in the comment section.

Who knows, the selection of Harper could be enough to entice Posh and Becks over to Phibsboro for a spot of lunch with their daughter this week. Like, we wouldn’t hold our breath or anything but stranger things have happened.

Each week, the Back Page goes through the alphabet and chooses two names beginning with the same letter to get a free lunch from Monday to Friday between the hours of 12pm and 3.30pm.

With this week being the turn of ‘h’, the Ingrids, Ians and Isabels of Dublin are sure to have their fingers crossed for some free grub next week. Watch this space.
