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04th Jul 2022

Dublin City Council has opened three new parks this year

Fiona Frawley

As it stands, none of the white water rafting variety have been added to the list.

Although we’re legally required to love this city (it’s in our name), there’s no denying that it’s an extremely difficult place to be at the moment. House prices are ever-rising, there’s a hotel that no one can afford to stay at on every street corner and one (1) pint will set you back about €7.

So naturally, the news that three new green spaces have been added to Dublin’s repertoire comes as a welcome change.

DCC shared a video of the three new parks over the weekend – if you’re looking to pay any of them a visit, here are the details:

Ballyfermot People’s Park

Formerly an empty green space known locally as “the field”, Ballyfermot People’s Park is now home to a vegetable patch, a bee sanctuary and playground, with gym equipment and space for food markets and outdoor classes and performances too. The park was launched by DCC’s Parks, Biodiversity and Landscape Services team, following an eight month consultation with the local community.

Bridgefoot Street Park

A new park in the heart of the Liberties with an emphasis on biodiversity and a dedicated wildflower area. There’s also a playground, allotments, a community garden and dedicated performance space. The designers took a sustainable approach to the construction of the park, with artworks made from construction waste material and “the use of whatever was to hand locally to construct a community garden”.

Wolfe Tone Park

This popular park was reopened by DCC back in May – it had been closed during the pandemic as the Parks, Biodiversity and Landscape Services team worked to restore it to a green space. The intention of the redesign was to “create a more pedestrian friendly environment with new public lighting and street furniture and the use of a historic materials palette, creating both a high quality environment and character area”.

Header image via DCC 

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