Trinity College Dublin has released information about dates for the upcoming academic year, updating students on what the new term may have in store.
Trinity College Dublin has today announced that the university will reopen in September, revealing that students will receive a combination of both face-to-face teaching and online learning.
According to the TCD website, tuition will follow a “hybrid model” – implementing online lectures for larger class groupings while still allowing for face-to-face seminars, tutorials and laboratory classes for smaller groups.
Promising that “as much face-to-face teaching and learning as possible will be provided”, the statement went on to say that the university has undertaken “extensive strategic planning” in preparation for the upcoming academic year.
It was also decided last week that Erasmus exchanges will proceed in the first semester should students wish to go ahead with plans. Semester one is due to run until December 18th with end-of-term assessments scheduled to take place online from January 11th 2021. Semester two will commence on February 1st, running until April 23rd 2021.
#COVIDー19 Update: An email has been sent to all students about dates for the upcoming academic year 2020/21. Please check your emails and visit our website for more information: #Coronavirus #Coronavirusireland
— Trinity College Dublin (@tcddublin) June 3, 2020
Speaking of the news, Provost Dr Patrick Prendergast said:
“We are delighted to be able to offer our students the certainty of a start date, the promise of a rewarding and absorbing learning experience and our full commitment to making their Trinity education as distinctive, varied and intellectually stimulating as they expect and deserve it to be.
The outbreak of Covid-19 has led to enormous changes for Trinity students and staff and we are proud of how much has been accomplished in such a short time. For the rest of this year, and potentially into 2021, it will mean that education will involve a hybrid of face-to-face and online teaching and learning.
We are committed to continuing with face-to-face education as a core element of the experience of attending Trinity and our intention is to facilitate seminars, laboratory classes and tutorials as far as possible for all students, while at all times following Government guidelines on social distancing.”
Teaching is due to begin on September 28th however orientation for new students will take place the week beforehand, commencing on September 21st and students will be kept up to date with developments through email/the university website.
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