We’re reluctant to admit it, but AI could be onto something with this one.
Dubliners are all-too familiar with the plight of trying to find a toilet on the fly in the city – we’ve all been stung by the cursed bathroom on the top floor of Stephen’s Green shopping centre with its newly-installed tap machine demanding our 20 cents, or the frantic scramble for a discreet place to relieve ourselves al fresco during the pandemic. The temporary toilets set up around town for our series of outdoor summers brought with them their own set of struggles so in fairness, maybe it is time to seek the assistance of the bots with this issue.
In recent months, people have been looking to ChatGPT to assist them with all manner of queries – the bot has been asked how to end wars, how to build a magical potato, to write a biblical verse about removing a peanut butter sandwich from a VCR machine, the list goes on.
Now it would appear that the AI bot is trying its hand at inventing, with this mobile drone toilet aptly named “Shattle”.
A photo of the drone-powered bog has been doing the rounds on Twitter, with account Instablog9ja declaring “China has developed a mobile drone toilet that can be requested via an app remotely”. The image has since been proven to have been made in MidJourney AI (incase you couldn’t tell by the conspicuous looking trees in the background), but it hasn’t stopped us fantasising about such a contraption touching down on Dublin soil.
China has developed a mobile drone toilet that can be requested via an app remotely pic.twitter.com/ZnPTUesbLV
— Instablog9ja (@instablog9ja) May 26, 2023
“End of a night out in Dublin, no public toilets, suddenly a rake of these appear over the horizon. Ride of the Valkyries starts playing in the distance as they draw near”, one person quote tweeted, with another rightfully pointing out “that takes the piss”.
Can you picture a hoard of shattles landing by the canal on a sunny day, or dotted around Fairview Park during their summer gigs? Stranger things have happened, tbh.
Header image via Twitter/Instablog9ja
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