Doesn’t everything from your childhood seem that little bit more magical than it does today?
Running, sports, toys and even holidays had a whole added dimension, but there’s one thing that stands head and shoulders above everything else….sweets.
We’ve rounded up 13 of the all-time best sweets from the ’80s, this list will give you a serious does of nostalgia.
1. Wham Bars
The very name screams ’80s. You could chew on one of these bad boys for an afternoon and they seemed as big as your leg.
2. Marathon
T’was far from Snickers we were raised, and we are 100% sure the Marathon tasted better. No doubt about it.
3. Opal Fruits
Still have similar sweets like Starbursts, but the originals are clearly the best. We could eat the red one of these all the livelong day.
4. Black Jack Bars
One that you either absolutely loved or hated, with their strong aniseed flavour. There was no middle ground.
5. 54321 Bars
We’ll just let this original TV ad from the ’80s do all the talking. What an amazing piece of advertising.
6. Fat Frog
There are constantly calls for HB to bring this back out of retirement with one Facebook campaign even having over 200,000 likes dedicated to the cause.
7. Macaroon Bars
The French versions of these are pretty popular in fancy restaurants nowadays, but it’s the original bar that we love best.
8. The Secret Bar
Just look at that name, its mystery was all part of the charm. Now that it’s off the market, it will remain a secret to future generations.
9. Fizzle Sticks
If you taste them these days, you’d probably think they were full of chemicals and additives, but the memory we have is one of pure delight.
10. Club Orange Bars
Most people will just think of the soft drink if you mention these today, but they were a small rectangular piece of wonder and you always wanted a second one.
11. Double Dip
Not one sachet of sweets, but three in one sitting. Open slowly and choose your own dipping technique. Often (but not always) shared.
12. Fizz Wizz
Pop these in your mouth and the roof would explode. Often eaten in Mass or the back of a classroom, where the need to stay silent was essential for extra pleasure.
13. Penny Sweets
Kids today probably get about three sweets for a euro, but back in the ’80s there were penny sweets and they were all sorts of awesome.
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