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20th Dec 2016

This Is What Happened When An English Teacher Got Her Hands On A UKIP Leaflet…


We’re all about Dublin on this site, but hey, it’s Friday and some things are too good not to share – besides, plenty of you are probably keeping one eye on the UK election, if not for the politics then at least for the drama.

And nobody delivers the drama quite like UKIP, the right-wing anti-immigration party that look likely to seriously increase their numbers in the House of Commons following the May 7 ballot – from leader Nigel Farage’s assertions about ‘HIV tourism’ to utterly hilarious tweets from supporters such as this one:

As that tweet demonstrates, the party’s expanding base can be as much of a curse as a blessing to the party’s image – and this point was further proven by an unofficial-looking leaflet that was dropped through letterboxes in the past few days.

Unfortunately this particular copy was delivered to the home of an English teacher, whose political views were seemingly not in line with UKIP’s – and so she responded in kind with the below, which was posted on imgur and has since done the rounds online.

Nice one, teacher. You’ve earned your apple.

