I remember when about a decade ago, one of my friends walked into the pub wearing a jumper with a massive red-nosed reindeer on it. It was the first Christmas jumper I’d seen on somebody going out for a night out, and I cracked my shite laughing.
Little did I know that I’d be searching town for one the next year, eager to hop on the growing trend…
Akin to when we encountered our first ever hipster with a huge beard and skinny jeans, the first manifestation of a new style is usually a bit fucking weird. Then the trend quickly spreads to influencers, before becoming the norm. The last stage of this cycle is when people tire of the trend and it begins to get some backlash, and that my friends, is where we’re currently at on Christmas jumpers.

In just a few short years, Christmas jumpers have come full circle and people have begun to view them with disdain – a symbol for excessive drinking and anti-social behaviour in town throughout the festive season.
Last Friday, 28 November, two lads wearing Christmas jumpers entered the bar I was in and proceeded straight to the bar to order 2 bottles of WKD Blue, downed the bottles and promptly left. Inoffensive enough behaviour, I’ll give them that, but imagine if they were with a group of 20 similarly dressed pals and you encountered them on their twelfth pub?
This is the reason a long list of Dublin pubs have started banning them. Christmas should be a time for catching up with friends in cosy pubs, with hot toddies – not legging it around town from pub to pub intimidating regulars in their local boozers.

So, as ‘Silly Season’ is upon us I ask you to consider the Christmas jumper and everything it stands for.
Why not wear something a little bit more understated? Chances are you’ll be making a big enough fool out of yourself as is, without a €20 polyester jumper with a crude santa joke on the front of it to add insult to injury.
However, if you insist on getting another wear out of last year’s special jumper just save it for the big day. Then, and only then are they acceptable to wear as a bit of a joke with your family.
Let’s stop mobbing Dublin with crowds of drunkards in tacky jumpers, the city deserves better than that.
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