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20th Dec 2016

New Veggie Burger Recipe Looks Like Meat And Even Oozes “Blood”


Us meat eaters always reckon that veggies get the raw end of the deal especially when it comes to iconic meat treats like a big fat juicy cheeseburger. How could anything ever compare with that? Well the news today is that an American company called impossible foods have come up with the solution. It looks like a normal burger and even “bleeds” like a real burger but everything you see in the picture below is actually made from vegetables.

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It certainly looks convincing and to ensure the taste is as “meaty” as possible the lab boffins extract nutrients, fats and amino acids from plants. The big trick here is that unlike shitty veggie burgers made from beans or other poor meat substitutes they are using heme, a molecule in haemoglobin which you’ll find in both plants and meat and that is what helps make it look, taste and even bleed like real red meat while staying 100% veggie.

It’s all well and good and this will get loads of coverage online and possibly even be used in a couple of restaurants when it comes to market but my bet is this is the last thing veggies actually want. They don’t want to be reminded of blood at anytime, even if it is coming out of a plant based invention. More likely is that this is a bit of a marketing stunt by the huge team within the company who hope to go on and invent other types of environmentally friendly foods that replace eggs and cheese.

Would you eat it?
