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20th Dec 2016

Atom Tick – The Most Weird and Wonderful Performance


Stop what you’re doing, this is important.

You need to go and see Atom Tick, James Moran and Stephane Bena Hanly’s new show.

Except that it’s not a show, exactly. It’s standup comedy, a business pitch, a ‘meditative-type experience’, and a pilot for a TV show which may or may not exist, or will exist in some near dystopian future where multinational corporations commandeer our thoughts the way that Bono has slipped into our iTunes. It is also, according to its creators, “a presentation given by two entrepreneurs as they try to gain support, both financial and emotional” (if only all performers were so honest…).

I already know Moran from his performances at comedy and spoken word nights run by The Runt, Bluebottle Collective and Meat Scandal (all of them similarly weird, and wonderful, and deserving of your emotional and financial support). He has a habit of showing up to these events full of Very Earnest Writers (™) and making us all look po-faced, with monologues about surrealist public art installations, rewriting The Simpsons as existential horror, or being ganged up on by cats at the beach. 


Stephane Bena Hanley I am less familiar with. But he appears to be a good egg.

The show’s poster, a blue pyramid with a woman’s features and a caterpillar moustache, has surfaced in my Facebook feed again and again in recent weeks, but its lipsticked, moustachioed lips are revealing no secrets.

If you’re confused, then rest assured you’re meant to be. Even after interviewing its creators I have little idea what Atom Tick will be about, though I suspect it is connected to the Illuminati.

In order to find out more about Atom Tick, why we should go and see it, and what makes atoms tick, I decided to ask the two some questions.

First things first. Who are you and what is all this Atom Tick business?

Atom Tick comprises the tireless work of James Moran and Stéphane Béna Hanly, two start­up entrepreneurs. Originally a media tech company, Atom Tick has, in the interest of stability and reliability, diversified its entry points of market penetration. Atom Tick is an idea magnetising start­up collective based around future tech, city planning and situation comedy. It’s a comedic performance based on some grand plans.

What is an Atom Tick?

Atom Tick is an exciting reconceptualisation of a re­conception. Atom Tick is a move away from the idea that a business can only have one career for life. Atom Tick is the last word in synergy with the invisible hand and monetising social conscience.

Do Atom Ticks drink blood?

Atom Tick is a vegan organisation.

Where would I go to have one removed if an Atom Tick became lodged in my foot?

If Atom Tick got stuck in your foot you’d want to become a lifelong subscriber.

Why should we give you our money?

Atom Tick is a ground floor opportunity with great potential for vertical growth and horizontal integration. If you don’t give us your money then fair enough, there are plenty of people who can recognise a good opportunity…


What should we expect from your show?

Two words: Web 3.0

Where is it on?

If you need an exact address you’re hopelessly Web 2.0.

Is laughter permitted inside the theatre?

Laughter is actively encouraged. We’re fun people. It’s included in the initial sign up fee of €7.

Your promotional video mentions something called the Brainternet. How do I connect? Is it like the Borg?

Brainternet is the fully internalised social networking tool. It’s like the Borg, if the Borg used big data to target advertising.

Does Atom Tick have a grand philosophical purpose?

Philosophy is dead.

Does Atom Tick feature live animals and/or livestock?

All livestock are 3D printed.

Where else on the internet can we find you, should we want to demand a refund?

We don’t believe in refunds. We believe in taking responsibility for your decisions. But you can find us on Facebook and Tumblr

Atom Tick plays November 27th and 28th at the Pallas Projects Studios at 6.30pm. Tickets are €7, though they will also consider bartering livestock.
