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04th Jan 2021

Giancarlo Esposito is coming to Dublin Comic Con this summer

Rory Cashin

Everyone’s favourite baddie from Breaking Bad, The Boys, and The Mandalorian is heading to Ireland to meet his fans.

We’ve got a bit of a good news / bad news situation.

Bad news first, the Spring Edition of Dublin Comic Con, due to take place in March, will not be going ahead.

But now straight on to the good news: the first major guest for the Summer Edition has been announced, and it is a biggie!

Giancarlo Esposito, the magnificent villain from hit shows like Breaking Bad, The Boys, and The Mandalorian, is due to arrive in Dublin for the event, which is scheduled to take place on August 14 and 15.

As far as other guests go, there will be a full line-up announced closer to the event itself, but the guests that were announced for March are currently checking their schedules for August, and Dublin Comic Con will announce any updates.

The folks behind the Comic Con made the following statement about the events:

“We at Dublin Comic Con are deeply disappointed that March won’t be going ahead as planned but in the current climate, it isn’t feasible. The health and safety of our visitors, guests, venue staff and of course our team is the most important thing.

“However, it now means we have more time to make sure that we’ll be able to welcome everyone back with a bang for August’s Summer Edition and make it one of our best yet. Thank you to everyone for the ongoing support. It hasn’t been an easy 12 months but hopefully the end is now in sight. Stay safe and we’ll see you all in August.”

The tickets for Dublin Comic Con Summer Edition are available to buy right here right now, and the folks behind it know that everyone’s finances are likely to be a bit up in the air this year, and they’ve said that “We know funds are probably a little tight and as such, we are operating our waitlist/reserve now – pay later feature.”

We’ll see you there!

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