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20th Dec 2016

12 Sure-Fire Signs You’re Still Hungover After The Long Weekend


So you hit it pretty hard on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but what was the harm? It was just Bank Holiday fun, right?

Wrong, wrong, so very wrong.

Read on dear hungover chums, and take comfort in the fact that you are not alone in this crippling state of existence…

You’ve already had your 24th birthday

They weren’t lying when they said hangovers get harder.


You genuinely thought the end was nigh when your alarm went off this morning

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Your main food group today so far has been carbohydrates

Pasta for breakfast? Legit.


On that note, it’s not even 1pm and you’re already on your third breakfast

Do three bags of crisps count as a meal or a snack? Asking for a friend.


Shit, nearly lunchtime already?

You have gotten nothing done at work so far except flinch at the amount of unread emails in your inbox.


You’ve been really productive in other areas of your life though

De-tagging photos on Facebook should be an Olympic sport, amirite?

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You keep flitting between feeling like you can ruin this day and the humbling realisation that this day will in fact ruin you

Peaks and troughs.


You’re punctuating your day with carefully planned trips to the kitchen, the water cooler and the nearby shop

It’s the only way.

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‘The Fear’ keeps on rearing its ugly head when you least expect it


On top of that, the odd dizzy spell seems to be the order of the day today

Make it stop!


You’ve already decided exactly what takeaway you will be ordering as soon as you get home from work

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You’re watching the clock like a hawk

Hometime can’t come quick enough.


Stay strong pals, we’re nearly there!

READ NEXT: 11 Signs You’ve Already Mentally Checked Out Of Work Today
