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20th Dec 2016

Fancy Some Jam With Your Sausage? Dausages Might Be So Weird They Actually Work


Introducing the new culinary delight that brings together two very different snacks…the dausage!

What is it?

The perfect pairing we never knew we needed, the dausage is a cross between a sausage and a doughnut. Yep, sausage meat filled with…jam.

Why haven’t I heard of it until now?

The dausage is a totally, brand-spanking new invention: so new in fact, its inventors don’t yet have the machine they have designed to make them. They’ve been sold at a handful of food fairs and festivals in Wales, and recently ran a sadly unsuccessful Kickstarter campaign over the summer. Fingers crossed they get their funding so the rest of the world can try the dausage!


Is it good for me?

Sausage meat tends to be pretty fatty, and of course fried, so not very healthy. Adding some sugary jam to the mix doesn’t help much, but it’s not the absolute worst when it comes to snacking.


How much will it cost?

As they’re not generally on sale yet, it’s hard to know, but probably your usual festival junk-food price, around the €5 mark.

What does it taste like?

Well, take a sausage and dip it in jam, and you’ll have a pretty good idea. The company currently make a few variations, including Cumberland with raspberry jam, vegetarian with loganberry jam, and of course, dausage rolls.


Update: Turns out we’re all rather familiar with sausages and jam already…
