Are you suffering from crippling Janxiety?
Symptoms include (but are not limited to) an empty bank account, general unhealthiness and a desire to sleep for days. However the good news is that there is a cure, and it involves hibernating for the next four weeks while watching a heap of Netflix.
Here are some of the best shows that Netflix has to offer to help you get through this trying time…

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
There’s 10 whole seasons available to watch, so it’ll see you well into February!


Making A Murderer
If you haven’t already watched it, you need to set aside 10 hours to plough through it IMMEDIATELY.

Master Of None
Aziz Ansari is an absolute champ, and by proxy Master Of None is a complete winner.

Parks and Recreation
So, you’ll need to use a sneaky plug-in to access this as it’s only on U.S. Netflix.
However, there’s never been a better time to watch all 6 seasons as the final season will be released on 17 January.

One episode in you’ll fancy yourself as a Colombian drug-lord.

Jessica Jones
The sassy superhero we all need.

Fawlty Towers
Watch to reassure yourself that your life is not quite as shambolic as that of Basil’s.

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