A Dublin restaurant is launching a Donald Trump-inspired cocktail, as well as a Melania chaser, this week.
Platform 61 has launched a cocktail called ‘The Donald’ to mark their NYC 1961-themed first birthday party taking place this Thursday and Friday.
But if you’re thinking this concoction is a tribute to the presidential candidate, think again. Here’s how the restaurant have described the cocktail,
‘The Donald’ will have fine Mexican tequila at its heart, unlike many of his supporters. It will also feature the blood-orange flavoured liqueur, Cointreau, in homage to Mr. Trump’s fiery and hot-headed personality alongside a generous dash of Ginger Lime Syrup – a sweet façade masking a dangerous underbelly.
The cocktail will be topped with peeled, chopped and pureed ginger to mimic the most famous comb-over in the world.
Of course, taking its cue from Mr. Trump’s wall-building aspirations both in Ireland and along the US border with Mexico, the top of the cocktail will be surrounded and ‘protected’ by a wall of salt.
‘The Melania’ chaser, on the other hand, will be made up of black sambucca and topped with limoncello “for a hint of blond ambition”. Check them out below.
If you’d like to try ‘The Donald’ it’ll be available at Platform 61 from this Thursday July 28 for a limited time only.
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