Designing your own socks is one way to pass an evening.
I thought I was ‘bored in the house, in the house bored’ back in March, but that doesn’t even cut it for how I’m feeling these days. Several weeks into our third lockdown of recent months and I’ve pretty much exhausted all avenues in search of a hobby… my housemate is sick to the teeth of me asking ‘what do people do for fun?!’ every five minutes.
No doubt many of you find yourselves in the same boat, but thankfully I’ve stumbled across one way in which we can all keep ourselves entertained… if even for just a brief moment in time.
Enter The Irish Socksciety – specifically their second annual ‘design your own sock’ competition.
Something they kicked off for the first time last year, it proved to be so successful that they’ve decided to run it again. However, while last year’s theme was all about Galway, this year the spotlight is on Dublin.
Encouraging people to get the creative juices flowing, organisers are asking the public to design their own take on the capital – with the winning submission later being made into a wearable pair of stocaí.
Explaining a little bit about the competition, Joanna and Alex of Irish Socksciety said:
“Following your suggestions and desperate need for some socialising and craic, we are calling on you to design socks that would describe the biggest buzzer of Ireland – Dublin.
“Free your imagination, relax your mind, and show us your take on the capital, The Big Shmoke.”
We may not have anywhere to go but socks are one item of clothing we still wear on the regular… and everyone knows that fancy footwear is synonymous with Saturday night glamour these days.
So, get to work.