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20th Dec 2016

EXCLUSIVE: First Look At Bunsen’s New South Anne Street Store


There’s been a lot of excitement surrounding the opening of the new Bunsen at 3 South Anne Street.

Today they’ll be serving free burgers from 5pm until they run out. 

And don’t you worry – they have about a hundred kilos of beef so there’ll be plenty of food to go around!

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The new restaurant has literally just had the last lick of paint applied, and it looks absolutely brilliant. 

With seats for 40-odd people, and plans to get a terrace for the warmer months this spot is sure to become a regular haunt of city centre burger addicts.

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They’re open for business officially tomorrow from 1pm, but get down this eve and grab your free meal on the Bunsen crew!

READ NEXT: Ladies And Gentlemen, Meet The Maître D’ For First Dates Ireland
