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20th Dec 2016

The 13 Best Ads For Food And Drink Ever Made


We watch them almost every day, some we forget, some we hate, and some we just can’t get out of our heads.

Commercials can make or break a brand. We’ve rounded up the 13 best food and drinks ads, a mix of more recent viral sensations and golden oldies, that smack with the serious nostalgia factor…

13. Them bones them bones need calcium

In retrospect this is a creepy ad, yet it inspired kiddies all over the country to down milk like it was water!

12. The Evian dancing babies

Is this funny or is it just plain weird? I think it’s funny but it’s definitely an ad that divides the audience. I’m not sure that watching this will inspire to pick up a bottle of Evian water though. 

I don’t know which made me laugh more, the babies rollerblading to rap music or my mum asking me how they got the babies to do that.

11. Malteaser feed me

An oldie but a goldie. We’re pretty sure this inspired most chocolate lovers to explore novel new ways to eat their Malteasers.

10. Budweiser ‘Whazzaaaahhhhh?’

Cue an entire generation of teenage males refusing to answer their phones or greet their friends in any other manner than “whazzaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh?”.

9. Maynard’s Wine Gums

There’s nothing like a Scotsman in a kilt dancing in a house full of animated objects to sells sweets to a whole generation of youngsters. 

8. Your last Rolo…

You’d want to think long and hard before sharing your last Rolo, as this guy found out. Not that I know anyone who would ever give away their last Rolo… Or even just one of them! Chivalry is well and truly dead.

7. McDonald’s Eurosaver Menu

McDonald’s really nailed it with this ad! Their depiction of an Irish woman’s steamy night in with her boyfriend had everyone splitting their sides laughing. 

My favourite part is the bleach on the girls tache… Classic.

6. Doritos Finger Cleaner

This makes me laugh and shudder at the same time. I have no words… Just watch.

5. M&S adventures in imagination

M&S are hands down responsible for bringing food porn ads to another level. The way they seductively slice upon hot chocolate puddings, slice roast beef and tear open hot cross buns… It’s a thing of beauty. 

4. McCain “Daddy or chips?”

We all remember this one. This ad left little girls all around the country troubled as they wracked their minds… What would they pick? Their Daddy or chips? It’s a real dilemma. 

3. Diet Coke break

Who could forget this ad? It had all our mother in fits of giggles every time it aired, it also had them very disappointed that their local builders looked nothing like that at their 11.30am break. Or in fact at any time of the day or night.

2. Guinness Sapeurs

I’m sure this will be one everyone will disagree on as Guinness have so many cracking ads that it’s hard to pick just one, but this ad is my favourite, especially after seeing the short documentary explaining the philosophy behind the Sapeurs

Other honourable mentions are the Guinness surfers and the Guinness swimmer (Michael Fassbender!). 

1. Cadbury’s drumming gorilla

I’m not quite sure that a gorilla drumming to Phil Collins was such a universal hit with everyone, but it’s definitely one of the most memorable ads ever. 

Not quite sure what the connection to chocolate is though.

Did we miss any other good ones? Let us know in the comments.

READ NEXT: Beat That Post-Christmas Bloat With These Nutrition Tips
