OK, so we know that Guinness are a big corporation and not really that Irish anymore and some of their marketing stunts like Arthur’s Day have been a disaster for the city but they are a part of our city. Tourists flock to the brewery and it is a symbol of Ireland all over the world. One thing that they have always been good at is their ads and the new commercial that is about to be released really will send shivers down your spine. Now we know its just a bit of marketing guff but with Cillian Murphy’s silky voice and the iconic pictures of the generations of people working there it is nearly like an ad for Dublin itself. You’ll probably notice a couple of bottles of “craft beer” dotted around as well which is what this ad is probably getting us consumers primed up for… A campaign later in October that tells us they’ve been making that beer for hundreds of years! Yeah right.
Hats off though Guinness, great ad as always.