Have you ever had a cheeseburger and thought to yourself, “yeah it’s nice but I wish I could dip it into a separate bowl of melted cheese?” Us too.
Well now we can, with this incredible new creation from Nice Burger.
A delish double cheeseburger with their token sauce and pickle. Already great. But swipe along to see the pièce de résistance, this literal bath of cheese sauce big enough for us to dip our whole burger into! I think I speak for us all when I say what a time to be alive.
If this burger is also your dream come true, it’s available now from Nice Burger at Eatyard, in the Bernard Shaw and the Lighthouse. You can also get it on deliveroo if you’re worried you’re going to get too excited and spill cheese dip all over yourself, as I probably will. A great day for cheese lovers everywhere!
Header image via Instagram/Nice Burger