A pretty unusual solution to Ireland’s housing crisis has been suggested: Floating Homes.
Up to 50 new homes could be moored on a permanent basis in Dublin Bay, it’s been suggested by the Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company (DLHC).
The Sunday Times reports that the houses would be moored at a pontoon at the end of the port, with views of the marina.
DLHC chief executive Gerry Dunne said that the floating homes would be two-bedroom properties, and priced between €250,000 and €300,000.
Pretty slick, right?
Mr Dunne said: “The harbour estate is 250 acres, of which 50 acres is land. Historically, the focus in terms of development has been on land, but we reoriented our thinking a year ago to the idea of a floating hotel.’
“It’s not a big quantum of homes in the grand scheme of things but, nevertheless, if 10 different organisations in Dublin do a project like this, then all of a sudden you have 500 homes and that would make a dent.”
They are currently calling for a partner to help develop the homes, and estimate that if the project received enough support there could be 50 homes ready within a year.
Would you live in one of these?
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