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20th Dec 2016

24 Hours Until The Lovin Dublin Show Live And We Have One Bonus Speaker….Paddy


We are less than 24 hours away from the first ever Lovin Dublin show live and the buzz is starting to build up. We’ve amazing speakers lined up to inspire us all, we also have a 25k prize for a start up, awards, an epic after party and restaurants all over town doing special menus before the gig. All of the €20 tickets have just sold out but we do have some left at €25 / €30. We also have another great speaker to add just to make it that little bit more special. 

A Great Bonus Speaker

We wanted to make the event as special as possible and inspire and motivate people which is why tonight we are adding one additional speaker. Paddy Cosgrave is the man behind the Web Summit and he’ll be telling us how his start up brought 20,000 people to Dublin this year and will have events in 3 continents this coming year. The whole event is about making Dublin bigger and better than we already are and nobody is doing that better than Paddy has been for the last few years.

