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20th Dec 2016

15 Reasons You Have To Go See The Queen Of Ireland IMMEDIATELY


If you weren’t one of the lucky people in 18 cinemas across the country last night, you fucking missed out.

The Queen Of Ireland is an amazing documentary by Irish director, Conor Horgan, with some hailing it “the most important film ever to be made about Ireland”.

I could genuinely have come up with over 50 reasons why you should go see the movie, but here are some key points. Just do yourself a favour and go see it over the next few days!

1. It’s like a really good episode of Reeling In The Years that you were around for

Suddenly May seems like years ago, and you get all reminiscent and teary-eyed.


2. The tunes are unbelievable

John Grant, how are ya?

3. The original score will bring you to tears

But also send shivers down your spine.

4. Because you get to meet all the people behind the drag scene in Dublin

Plus all the old shots of gay clubs in the early 90s are absolutely gas!



Literally can’t even.

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6. You can play ‘spot the person I know’ throughout the whole movie

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7. The marriage equality referendum segment will have you bawling like a baby in the best way possible

8. Because you can laugh at the weirdo asking stupid questions when Panti’s just trying to get her photoshoot on with Joan (her new lesbian lover) and Aodhan

9. And you get to see Panti’s Noble Call all over again

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10. Because it’s like watching a panto, you can boo and hiss at the bad guys whilst cheering on the good guys

Hint: the good guys win.

11. The tweetwall and all the feels it creates

E’rrybody from Ru Paul to Stephen Fry sending their support to the Queen of Ireland.


12. Because every small town in Ireland has their injokes

Cock Jennings is a Ballinrobe thing, get over it.

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13. Because you’ll never be glamour like Panti Bliss

SRSLY. Those sequins!


14. And every time Panti describes herself as a giant cartoon woman your heart will swell with pride


15. And finally, because both Conor Horgan and Rory O’Neill are national fucking treasures.

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Read next: 13 Times During 2015 When Panti Bliss Proved Herself To Be A National Treasure.
