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29th Jan 2017

Over 4,000 People Have Signed This Petition Protesting Against Enda Kenny Visiting Trump

Alana Laverty

At time of writing 4,054 people have signed a petition that aims to send a message to our Taoiseach, Enda Kenny. 

The petition reads: 

“I want Enda Kenny to be aware that if he does decide to travel to meet President Donald Trump on St. Patrick’s Day, that he is not travelling in my name.”

The petition had a target of 4,000 signatures, which it has already hit and surpassed in the last 17 hours. 

Upon signing you are given the option of sharing the petition on Twitter, Facebook or by email. 

The automated tweet reads: 

Don’t meet @realDonaldTrump & think you’re representing Irish people @EndaKennyTD #NotInMyName 

And Twitter is flooding with hundreds of ’em. 

One comment on the petition by a Noirin L reads, “I wasn’t going to sign cause I could see how pragmatic politics needs to protect jobs etc. But seeing people with green cards turned away today?- sure there’s no appeasing him, he could turn on Ireland for no reason. So there’s no reason to collude with the madness. ‘Stand for something or you’ll fall for anything Ireland.’ “

If you are interested in this movement and would like to sign the petition you can find it here

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