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20th Dec 2016

PICS: A Tayto Sandwich Shop Has Opened In Arnotts Today


Yep, you read right.

You can now buy Tayto sandwiches ready-made, for those days when you really need them. 

Tayto has opened a pop-up in the window of Arnotts for crisp sandwich lovers to indulge in when they’re meandering around the Henry Street area. 

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You can choose from any of their crisp flavours (prawn cocktail, cheese and onion, salt and vinegar and smoky bacon) to stick into your sambo – and the happy crisp-mas elves will make it up for you. 

The sandwiches are priced at €3, and if they’re not your thing – then there are plenty more types of merchandise you can pick up in-store. 

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And the best part? 

Mr. Tayto will be on hand to help you choose which flavour you want every weekend on the run up to Christmas. 


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