Six children were forced to sleep on metal chairs in a Dublin Garda Station last night.
The CEO and Co-Founder of Inner City Helping Homeless, Anthony Flynn tweeted a photo of the children trying to sleep on the hard metal chairs.
The tweet reads, “This is what homeless service are reducing families to tonight. This is one Dublin Garda Station. I’ve never seen the likes of this, someone must be held accountable. Millions of Euros pumped into NGO’s and Hotels and this is what’s in offer. I’m shocked!!”
The latest figures show that 9,784 people are homeless in this country. 3,824 of those are children.
However, a statement below the figures on Focus Ireland’s website says that the Government changed the definition of homelessness.
It reads, “In March 2018 the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government decided to change the definition of homelessness used to compile these statistics, and remove a number of families which had previously been counted as homeless. As a result, the months highlighted in RED are not comparable with previous months.”
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Header Pic: Anthony Flynn

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