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20th Dec 2016

15 Things You’ll Instantly Recognise If You’re A Flyefit Member


If, along with the rest of Dublin’s #fitfam inhabitants, you too are a member of the ubiquitous Flyefit, then you will 100% relate to this list. 

The cheap and cheerful gym is as handy as it is omnipresent, and even though it may sometimes be packed, overcrowded and sweaty, it’s definitely helping us all to feel a little better during the long weeks.

Next time you’re there, see if you spot any or all of these golden moments…

1. The guy who forgot a top, so is wearing his shirt with his shorts

Hey man, leg day means leg day. 

No excuses. 

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2. The unmistakably foul stench of old protein shakers 

And their accompanying cloud of stink waft. 


3. Brocabulary

Yes, we said it. But you speak it.

You know who you are. 

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4. The person checking their progress after three squats

… guilty.


5. Checking out the graffiti on the walls so intently…

… that you stop exercising/fall of the machine/try to hide your tears in the bathroom.

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6. The mile long line for the hairdryer

Making the room hotter and hotter, and you meltier and melti… Oh, you’re a puddle.

Sorry to hear.


7. Snapbacks

So. Many. Snapbacks. 

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8. People scanning their cards incorrectly and being trapped in the swirling metal bars of doom

While internally screaming for salvation. 

Metal Bars

9. Every treadmill user competing, secretly, against each other

Secretly hoping that at least ONE of them will fall over.

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10. The panic-emigration of the exercise class space when a class kicks off 

”Okay let me just put the dumbbell dow… Oh, okay, I’ll mov… Fuuuuck”.

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11. People snapchatting their way through their crunches

If you bench your personal best, and no one sees it online, did it really happen?

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12. Taking forever on a machine because you know someone is waiting on it

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13. The stare down over who’s going to snatch the foam roller first

And the associated tango between two parties to go get it. 

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14. Crossfit and Hell-And-Back T-shirts aplenty

Okay, we get it, you guys are fitter than us. And you’ve got really toned thighs. 

But do you have fun?!

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15. And finally, the running newbie

Someone who has obviously been forced into doing a 5km for work. 

Can be spotted spending their workouts wiping their furrowed brows and slowly whispering ”please, make it stop”.

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READ NEXT: These Infographics Show You The Crazy Amount Of Germs In Your Gym
