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13th Sep 2017

Campaigners Fear For The Safety Of Dublin City Porpoises


There’s fears for what will happen to the Dublin Bay porpoise, of which there’s an estimated 300, as dredging commences in Dublin Port.

The Journal reports that the Dublin Port Company (DPC) is planning to remove up to 1million tonnes of material from the port to keep it deep enough for large ships to pass through.

The material will be dumped near Howth, which campaigners say could harm local wildlife, and that the porpoises could also be hurt by the dredging vessel itself.

The Protect Dublin Bay group says:

“The SAC is for the protection of the local reefs and the local porpoise population. The dumpsite is a known area for breeding and feeding for Dublin Bay porpoise. Should a porpoise or a shoal of fish be below the dredger when dumping happen they will be destroyed.”

The DPC says that it a marine mammal observer will be present during the dredging process to ensure no animals are harmed.

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